You can also help taking immediate steps to support the Treaty and by engaging your elected officials to support legislation that would reduce the threat of nuclear war, and support communities harmed by the US nuclear weapons industry. Here are some important steps you can take.

  • Write to or lobby your Congressional representative urging them to sign ICAN’s Parliamentary Pledge. We suggest getting a group together and hosting a letter writing party or set up a face to face meeting with your Congressional Rep. Our guide for meeting with Elected Officials and our Talking Points can help with this.



  • Sign the Hibakusha Appeal that calls on all countries to sign and ratify the Treaty and achieve the total elimination of nuclear weapons.


  • The following bills are important legislation that your representative can support. Please consider writing to your representative and asking for them to support any or all of the following legislative.
    • H.R. 6840– Hold the Low-Yield-Nuclear-Explosive Act of 2018. This bill would prohibit the research and development, production, and deployment of the Trident D5 low-yield nuclear warhead, an entirely new nuclear warhead currently under development.
    • R 669– Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act of 2017. This bill would prevent the president from launching a first-strike nuclear weapon without a declaration of war from Congress
    • 197– Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendment.
    • 3373– Palomares Veterans Act of 2017-2018. This bill would finally provide disability benefits and health care to US veterans exposed to high levels of radiation following the Palomares nuclear accident.


  • Call on the US government to take immediate steps to pull us Back from the Brink” of nuclear warWe recommend supporting model resolutions like this that call on the US to also embrace the Nuclear Ban Treaty and work in their local communities to comply – to the extent they are able with The Nuclear Ban Treaty.