As a campaign, we aim to be:

  • Open to all ideas, suggestions, comments and criticisms
  • Inclusive to all who want to take part
  • Cooperative in supporting any and all other campaigns that are trying to achieve the same ends as us
  • Creative in how we implement our ideas
  • Enthusiastic and joyful in how we present our campaign to others
  • Democratic in our decision-making, seeking consensus when possible and majority voting when necessary to break a deadlock
  • Transparent in how we make decisions and who does what
  • Accountable to each other for what we commit to doing

In our efforts to comply with the Nuclear Ban Treaty, we will not judge or shame people but instead help each other to do what we can, given our circumstances. We want to make treaty compliance fun and easy to do. Involvements we may have with the companies or banks involved in the nuclear weapons business are to be seen not so much as burdens to be rid of, but opportunities for engaging with those companies and banks.

Treaty compliance is not about purifying ourselves and eliminating our guilt of being associated with nuclear weapons. We are all complicit in this business until the US itself complies with the treaty. This is about using our power and influence as best we can – as consumers, as customers, as citizens – to put pressure on those companies and banks and politicians, who themselves can get the US to comply with the treaty.

While we must address the seriousness and urgency of the dangers we face and the threat to the future of all life on earth posed by nuclear weapons, our emphasis is on the positive and hopeful side of things: these weapons are now banned, they are illegal, the whole world has spoken and taken decisive action on this. Our campaign is about alerting people to these facts and helping the US come to terms with the inevitability of the total elimination of all nuclear weapons.