NuclearBan.US is a 501c4 non-profit organization committed to the total elimination of nuclear weapons and the use of all those wasted human, financial and political resources to comprehensively address the climate crisis.
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW, or “Nuclear Ban Treaty”), agreed in 2017 by 122 countries at the United Nations, bans everything to do with nuclear weapons, no “ands”, “ifs” or “buts”! This treaty represents the overwhelming consensus of world public opinion on what can and must be done to save this planet.
The United States can and must sign the TPNW as a first step towards the total elimination of these weapons. Prior to ratification by the Senate and entry into force of the treaty for the United States, the US should work with the other 8 nuclear-armed nations to ensure this leads to the complete, verifiable and irreversible elimination of all nuclear weapons from all countries.
NuclearBan.US is committed to using the Nuclear Ban Treaty and a future Fossil Fuel Treaty as tools to educate people across the US to support the phasing out of both nuclear weapons and the burning of fossil fuels for the sake of our survival.
We call on individuals, businesses, faith communities, schools, organizations, cities and states to work towards ‘aligning’ themselves with these international agreements, by disconnecting and divesting, as far as possible, from both fossil fuels and the nuclear weapons industry. We are calling this “Treaty Alignment” and it sends a powerful message: The age of nuclear weapons and fossil fuels is now over, and we must move on to a different way of relating to the rest of the world and to the planet.
As a campaign, we aim to be open, inclusive, cooperative, creative, enthusiastic, joyful, democratic, transparent and accountable. We celebrate our differences and encourage fresh thinking to find new ways to solve a 70-year-old problem.
We are working for the total elimination of all nuclear weapons and for a complete end to the burning of fossil fuels. We need to stand in solidarity with the rest of the world on these issues, and end these threats to our survival before it’s too late.
Our mission is to contribute to the total elimination of nuclear weapons and the use of all those wasted human, financial and political resources to finally and seriously address the climate crisis.
In order to get the United States to sign the Nuclear Ban Treaty and negotiate a Fossil Fuel Treaty phasing out all burning of fossil fuels, our goals are:
- To get cities, states, institutions and individuals to disconnect from the nuclear weapons and fossil fuel industries – as far as they are able – in order to align with the Nuclear Ban Treaty and ta future Fossil Fuel Treaty.
- To put moral, financial and public relations pressure on the companies involved in the nuclear weapons and fossil fuel industries so that they lobby the government in support of the Nuclear Ban Treaty and a Fossil Fuel Treaty, instead of lobbying against these things,
- To educate people about the continued threat of nuclear weapons and climate change, to stigmatize the nuclear weapons and fossil fuel industries, and to build support for the Nuclear Ban Treaty and a Fossil Fuel Treaty.
- To build a popular movement across the country that demands adherence to the Nuclear Ban Treaty and a Fossil Fuel Treaty in every possible sphere and entity.
We are proud to be a US partner of The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
and to work with the following organizations, through our coordination role in the Warheads to Windmills Coalition:
- Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
- Veterans for Peace
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
- and many others
59 Gleason Road, Northampton, MA 01060
Email: [email protected]
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