Urge your State Legislators to support a Citizens Commission on Nuclear Weapons and Climate

The federal government is simply not doing enough to protect the citizens of this country from the existential threats of climate change and nuclear war. These threats are with us now and increasing every day. We need a Citizens Commission to look into the most effective ways that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts can protect its citizens from these threats and can use its influence to get more action from the federal government.

Please urge your MA state legislators to support legislation on climate and nuclear weapons!

Nuclear Weapons and Climate Commission Bill:

H.738 (House)/S.1488 (Senate)

This bill would create a citizens commission to investigate the existential threat posed by nuclear weapons and climate change to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and what should be done about it.

If you have sent a letter, great! You’ve just helped move the world one small step closer to eliminating nuclear weapons!

Thank you.

AND If you have other friends, relatives or colleagues in Massachusetts that might be willing to write their own letters, please urge them to do so, by sending them to this page.