New Warheads to Windmills report

A graphical, easy to read summary of the 2023 Warheads to Windmills: Preventing Climate Catastrophe and Nuclear War report is out now! You can read and download it for free here and order multiple copies of the color printed version (US letter size booklet) here. To join in the discussion about addressing these twin existential…


Warheads to Windmills webinar

*for the complete list of co-sponsors, see below! Warheads to Windmills webinar: May 7, 4pm EDT Climate catastrophe and nuclear war are two existential threats that could end human civilization as we know it. Both of these threats have been exacerbated by the ongoing war in Ukraine, but nuclear war could happen at any moment,…


Norton Bill 2023 now out!

April 20, 2023, Washington, DC: Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) today introduced the Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Conversion Act of 2023. Norton has introduced a version of the bill in every session of Congress since 1994. This version would encourage the United States to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons…


Appeasement: Time for a reassessment

Neville Chamberlain waves his agreement with Hitler, September 1938. PHOTO: public domain, national archives of Poland On September 30th, 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain returned to London from a meeting in Munich with Adolf Hitler. He proudly waved a piece of paper with Hitler’s signature on it in front of the crowds awaiting his…


ICAN Forum Oslo

March 9-10, 2023 in Oslo, Norway: The global movement against nuclear weapons is stronger than ever. States, cities, parliamentarians, civil society, survivors and people everywhere are being heard: nuclear weapons must be eliminated! Nuclear weapons are the most destructive, inhumane and indiscriminate weapons ever created, for which there is no humanitarian response. The unacceptable risk…


Nuclear Commission bill re-submitted in MA

A bill to establish a citizen-led Nuclear Weapons and Climate Commission has been introduced in the Massachusetts state legislature by State Representative Lindsay Sabadosa and State Senator Jo Comerford. Similar bills have been introduced in the last two sessions of the MA state legislature, each time getting closer to the finish line. Campaigners are confident…


Corvallis divests from all weapons

CORVALLIS, OR: On Monday, November 7, 2022, the Corvallis City Council unanimously passed a resolution to prohibit the city from investing in companies which produce weapons of war. The resolution passed following years of advocacy work by the Corvallis Divest from War coalition, including an initial hearing in February 2020 that did not lead to a…
