Promoting Warheads to Windmills In Congress

Members and supporters of the Warheads to Windmills Coalition gathered in Washington DC from July 8-10th to meet with members of Congress about the importance of getting rid of nuclear weapons and addressing the climate crisis. Approximately 20 people joined the lobbying teams over the course of the three days from organizations such as CodePink,…

MA Advocacy Momentum

On May 22nd, over 30 advocates took to the Massachusetts State House for the Warheads to Windmills Coalition’s Day of Action on Nuclear Weapons and Climate. The energy around the day exemplified what more and more people are recognizing, the two existential threats are deeply interlinked and deeply unacceptable. As the climate crisis exacerbates, so…

MA Day of Action

We are having a day of action in Boston on May 22nd, mobilizing students and activists around Massachusetts to lobby the legislature. It is now down to the leadership in the House and Senate to decide whether these bills will get voted on before the end of this legislative session. Please Join us! Climate Change…

Success in MA and Next Steps!

On Friday, March 15th, H.738 was reported favorably out of the Joint Committee on Emergency Preparedness and Management! H.738 is the house version of the Nuclear Weapons and Climate Commission Bill. This news came directly after activists held a busy day of advocacy at the State House with members of the committee and an organized…

Students at the State House!

On Wednesday, March 6th, students and activists with the Massachusetts Warheads to Windmills coalition had a very successful day of meetings advocating for the creation of the MA Nuclear Weapons and Climate Citizens Commission. The students, high school and college, met with members of the Joint Committee on Emergency Preparedness and Management, where H.738 sits…

New Warheads to Windmills report

A graphical, easy to read summary of the 2023 Warheads to Windmills: Preventing Climate Catastrophe and Nuclear War report is out now! You can read and download it for free here and order multiple copies of the color printed version (US letter size booklet) here. To join in the discussion about addressing these twin existential…

Norton Bill 2023 now out!

April 20, 2023, Washington, DC: Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) today introduced the Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Conversion Act of 2023. Norton has introduced a version of the bill in every session of Congress since 1994. This version would encourage the United States to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons…

MA State Lobby Day

Boston, MA — Citizens from across the Commonwealth are visiting the State House July 14 to urge legislators to vote in favor of S.1555 (Senate)/H.3688 (House). This bill would create a Citizens’ Commission to investigate the existential threat posed by nuclear weapons to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and to explore what should be done about it. The bill was…