Lobby Day in Boston

Lobby Day for MA Nuclear Weapons Commission Bill Wed April 13 @ 11:30 am – 3:00 pm EDT Join us at the MA State House to support a bill to address the threat of nuclear weapons in Massachusetts.   This bill would establish a citizen’s commission to research and recommend to the state legislature ways to better protect the…

Jayapal joins call for nuclear abolition

PHOTO: Joe Mabel Washington, DC: U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-7) has added her name to the list of co-sponsors of a bill that would abolish all nuclear weapons and use the money to address climate change and other pressing social needs. Jayapal is the current chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and has been a…

Nuclear Weapons and Massachusetts

Register here to join zoom event in support of State Bill H.3688/S.1555 Speakers: State Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa, Dr. Ira Helfand, Dr. Elaine Scarry, Prof. Jonathan King, Emma Pike, Joseph Gerson, a representative from the Mass Nurses Association H.3688/S.1555 is a bill in the MA State House that would establish a Citizens’ Commission to research and recommend to the state…

Building Political Support for the TPNW

Building Political Support for the Nuclear Ban Treaty  in Congress and at state and local levels   Zoom event: Saturday, April 24, 2021 10:30am-12:45 EDT Click here for Registration Click here for Speaker bios Click here for list of Co-sponsors Click here for list of break-out rooms Program  10:30 AM – 11:00 AM: Global Support for the…

New Director Appointed

The Board of NuclearBan.US is very happy to announce the appointment of Asha Asokan as the new Director of NuclearBan.US. Asha holds a Bachelor’s in Law (LLB) from Mahatma Gandhi University, India, and a Master’s degree in International Human Rights Law (LLM) from CUSAT, India. She worked for Nonviolent Peaceforce, implementing civilian protection and peacebuilding projects…